Hi and welcome to NZ Health Retreats website.
Hi. If you are interested to discuss or learn more about my online Life Coaching and “The Journey” Therapy and Rebirthing Breathwork please contact me through the contact me page or call me and leave a message on my phone number you can find on the contact me page as well. These are the same therapies as in the live in retreat programs offered here, just online.
Alternatively if you are have already decided to book your Package . Click here please.
1. Basic Package: Clarity Breathwork Journey
– 5 Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions, 1 1/2 – 2 hours per Session
– Pricing:
– Full Package: US$ 400
– Single extra Session: US$ 80
2. Standard Package: Empowerment & Education Program
– 5 Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions, 1 1/2 – 2 hours per Session
– 5 Life Coaching Sessions, 2 – 3 hours per Session
– Pricing:
– Full Package: US$ 900
– Single extra Breathwork Session: US$ 80
– Single extra Life Coaching Session: US$ 100
3. Premium Package: Ultimate Transformation Experience
– 5 Rebirthing Breathwork Sessions, 1 1/2 – 2 hours per Session
– 5 Life Coaching Sessions, 2 – 3 hours per Session
– 1 “The Journey” Session, 2 – 3 hours per Session
– Pricing:
– Full Package: US$ 1050
The currency here is in US $ to match the booking platform setting at the green link above.
The Top 12 Reasons
for attending and choosing my retreat programmes according to my guests has been,
- that I only have on guest at one time
- privacy and that all information from my guests collected during the retreat are burned or destroyed to celebrate a new beginning at the end of the retreat
- a self -empowering holistic approach to health and wellness
- 24/7 support and attendance all throughout the retreat
- unconventional and non clinic approach to stress and psychological issues using an unique style and combination of Life Coaching, Breathwork and The Journey Therapy and more
- feeling very comfortable and safe with me right from when we make first contact
- synchronicities like being available to offer a retreat just when it was needed most, perfect timing
- embracing also a personal and spiritual development aspect in the retreat programme
- no distractions from other guests like in many conventional group or peer support retreat setting
- a safe space to explore the past and associated traumas, abuse and grief
- to leave the pressures of home or professional life and to come to a nurturing environment
- to really take time out for oneself after years of looking after and taking care of everyone else
NZ Health Retreats warmly welcomes to a private and confidential Retreat experience, a pathway to greater well being and healing.

“NZ” in “NZ Health Retreats” means Neue Zeit which means New Time. I offer New Time Health Retreats for Detox, Depression, Anxiety, Time Out, Stress Relief and for some addictions … with the goal of starting to get better … of becoming more free in areas of life that are feeling stuck or difficult … to search for clarity about life direction and purpose … for physical and emotional healing … to learn ways of releasing past trauma … to detoxify the Body and Mind … how you can make changes to your diet and lifestyle that support your well being … to move into greater freedom, peace and ease … and to learn the appreciation of living life, even when we are faced with huge challenges, e.g., serious illness, relationship issues,abuse, financial problems, health problems, and other challenges and injustices prevalent in these days and times for many people who can no longer ignore that these things are happening in their lives or the lives of those they love …
Individual Holistic Health Retreats designed to uplift the mind, body and soul…
The focus of my retreats is to share information and education, provide you with tools and resources, helping you discover who you really are, to assist you in building upon your existing wisdom and to facilitate experiences that can empower you to make decisions and take action for improving your health and well being … in an atmosphere of acceptance and recognition of you as the valuable man or woman you are.
Live in 7-21 days …
I offer to you high quality personalised treatments and therapies – one live in guest at one time.
I focus on private and confidential retreats with high quality personalised treatments and therapies. As I take only one guest on retreat at a time, this allows me to tailor your retreat to your specific requirements and to adjust any of the existing programmes I have.
I offer the following Health Retreats……. Each retreat has a basic programme and may be altered to your specific needs once I hear more about what you would like your retreat to be like.
Depression Health Retreats
Options of 7, 10, 14 or 21 day programmes with follow up where I work with my guest to find what may be present in their belief system that could have led to depression, educate them in how they may make changes to their thinking and belief systems to help overcome depression and psychological stress with a range of supportive treatments and therapies. More…
Anxiety Health Retreats
Options of 7, 10, 14 or 21 day programmes with follow up where I work with our guest to find out what may be present in their thinking and belief systems that may have led to anxiety, educate them in how they can make changes in their thinking and belief systems to help overcome anxiety and psychological stress with a range of supportive treatments and therapies. More…
Stress Relief Retreats
Options of a 7 or 14 day programme with follow up. Find out how we relate to psychological stress when we experience it? How do we come through it? How can we neutralise it and learn and grow from it? How can we once again hold an appreciation for life and the events that we encounter along the way? More…
Raw Food and Juicing Health Retreats
Options of a 7 , 10 or 14 day programme with follow up. While this retreat embraces a supportive diet using a whole foods plant based diet that may help to build the foundations of a healthier lifestyle, I also give the opportunity for guests to explore their belief systems. More…
Detox Health Retreats
A 14 day detox programme using a herbal detox preparation and a range of treatments and therapies to support a thorough Body and Mind detox. This retreat is for people of at least average health. More…
Addiction Health Retreats
Options of 7, 10, 14 or 21 day programmes with follow up where I work with my guest to find out what may be present in their thinking and belief systems that may have led to problems with addiction, educate them in how they can make changes in their thinking and belief systems to help overcome these life patterns with a range of supportive treatments and therapies. More…
Time Out Health Retreats
Please contact us for a pricing if you would like to attend a more relaxed nourishing time out retreat. We may then tailor a retreat for you which would include one or two massages and breathwork sessions and any other session I offer you feel you like to include into your programme. This retreat would be suitable for people who are quite well and just need a good rest without looking into psychological issues to deep but still perhaps need to talk a few things through and learn a few tools to take home . The duration for Time Out Health Retreats may be between 3 to 7 days in duration.
Our Depression, Anxiety, Addiction and Stress Relief Health Retreats have the one major goal of educating you in what causes psychological stress and how it may be neutralised, and providing you with resources that can upgrade your belief systems to ones that support you and your life. The programmes in these health retreats also may be applied to people with past or present trauma, sexual or physical abuse, illness, etc ……. Sometimes it is appropriate to combine these retreats with the detox programme depending upon your current circumstances and health.
I am looking forward to talking to you further about how I may assist you.
My commitment to you is to facilitate a Health Retreat programme that is suited to your specific requirements and that provides you with the tools and experiences needed to grow into a state of more appreciation for your life and how it unfolds.